Articles and Papers by Barry Lee Clark

Authored by Barry Lee Clark:
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From Radical Progressivism to Authoritarianism, Monograph, 2019 (PDF Version)

Retrenchment: Christian Defense of Permanent Things, Book, 2019, (Google Books, Amazon)

Fourth Turning Clash of Inter-Civilization Cultures Thesis, 2019, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.32977.28008

A Commonsense Case for Christianity, Book, 2019 (Google Books, Amazon)

Three Questions that Defined the US Army Signal Corps By Barry Lee Clark, Major, USA, Retired PDF Version

Scottish Influence in Early Southern American Culture – Alexander Clark By Barry Lee Clark PDF Version

America’s Great Cultural and Political Divide

Abstract: America is more divided culturally and politically than at any time since the 1850’s.  Real and authentic dialogue does not occur and violence and the threat of violence increase daily.  We are on a precarious path with potentially dangerous outcomes. (PDF version)

The First War of the New Order: How Rule of Law and the Form of Government Changed in America’s Second Revolution

doi 10.13140/RG.2.1.5163.7528

Author: Barry Lee Clark
Publication date: 2016/2/7
Abstract: The War Between the States should be seen as the first modern war of
centralization and nation building. On the international level it was a paradigm shift in the
way nations would come to view themselves and what was acceptable in both the treatment
of citizens and in the conduct of warfare. Internally it was truly another revolution; the form of
government looked the same after but it was radically different in function. The Constitution
and the rule of law had very different meaning in the aftermath.

Author: Barry Lee Clark

Abstract: James McPherson exhibits that he is an exceptionally skilled writer, and an accomplished story-teller of historical events. His work suffers from his underlying intent, based upon his political perspective, to repaint historical events that were well-understood, by contemporaries to those events and historians for a century and a half afterward, to have very different meanings than historians like McPherson interpret and present. I would not recommend Battle Cry to anyone not steeped in a foundational understanding of what better historians have said of the war.

Authors: Barry Lee Clark
Publication date: 2016/2/5
Available at SSRN (repository)
Abstract: The organizational cultural problems in this particular unit have manifested
themselves as a result of prior leadership failures to address them coupled with the crucible
of operational stress than exacerbated the display of these bad trends in the overarching
organizational culture of the Army in general. The new incoming commander has little time
to effect change, and little hope of mitigating much of the operational pressure and stress
that will continue to be placed upon his unit. His only recourse and solution in this 
Scholar articles

Authors: Barry Lee Clark
Publication date: 2016
Source: SSRN: Moral Philosophy
Institution: Command and General Staff College
Abstract: A professional military must be led by leaders that understand the basis for
morality, that absolute moral truth exists and is knowable, and they must be secured
communally on a foundation that transcends broader cultural trends and relies on more than
either reason or emotion for sustenance. Failure to understand and adhere to such a
morality corporately has historically led to great failures of commission and omission.
Philosophy has proven a poor tool to provision answers to the practical questions of how 
Scholar articles
BL Clark – Available at SSRN, 2016

Manifesto of Old Men and Simple Preachers

Authors: Barry Lee Clark
Publication date: 2012/2/1
Journal: Available at SSRN 2732840
Abstract: Over time a man, if he is perceptive, comes to certain conclusions. The most
startling is that the greatest truths were spoken to him throughout his life by ordinary men,
simple preachers, old men sitting around drinking soda and eating peanuts, his father.
These men, if beneficiaries of a culture and community that embraces common-sense as a
virtue, know truths that philosophers for centuries have tried in various ways to express.
Common-sense is something all men should know; common-sense informs us of certain 
Scholar articles
BL Clark – Available at SSRN 2732840, 2012
Posted on The Abbeville Review 23 FEB 2016

One View of Officership

Authors: B.L. Clark

Publication date: 2000

Journal: Platoon
Organizations large and small develop cultures. Organizational culture develops from the collective
experience and historical memory of an organization. Organizations change either because
those within the group cause change or because the group succumbs to external pressures.
The Army is no different. We each must ask ourselves what is our particular role in the
organization; what will we change; will we make the organization better or will we simply adapt
to norms and pass our time with the mundane?
Scholar articles
BL Clark – 2003

Authors: Barry Clark
Publication date: 2008/12
CALL Newsletter, BSTB Trends and Lessons for the National Center
Issue: 09-08
Pages: 67-71
Publisher: Center for Army Lessons Learned (CALL), Worldcat 310971652

Posts  By  Barry Clark